It’s summertime and it’s the perfect opportunity to relax, kick back and have some major FUN.
The weather’s nice, the kids are out of school, you work hard all year long and, dammit, you deserve it.
But wait, you also want to increase your income? You want to land that next gig? You want to make sure the guy you work next to doesn’t get the corner office?
While work and fun might seem mutually exclusive, you can keep going and growing and still take time to unwind.
Here are three tips to help you work when you just want to enjoy.
Consider not working
When I’m coaching clients and they say they don’t want to work, sometimes I’ll ask “What happens if you don’t?”
I’m not trying to be sarcastic; I really want to know what’s on the other side of that question.
If I decide I don’t want to work and stop showing up for my coaching sessions, for example, my clients would be confused, get mad and eventually stop paying me.
If you don’t do your job at work, your boss would call you in, write you up and eventually fire you.
On the other hand, not working as much might be perfectly fine. Your laundry list of “shoulds” could be too long in the first place and cutting back probably won’t kill your business or career.
Plus, if you put work off because you’re goofing off and something bad happens (or you think it will), I’m guessing you’ll get it done.
To give yourself space, try narrowing your to-do list and concentrate your energy on your biggest projects and priorities first - then make a plan to tackle (or delegate) less urgent work later.
Shift your attitude
If you like what you do, sometimes you just need a reminder that work is not torture and you can enjoy yourself while working.
What would make your work easier or more fun?
Maybe you network while you’re at the neighborhood BBQ or you work in a lovely restaurant over lunch. Maybe you spend a few hours on an important project then treat yourself with a trip to the beach.
Sometimes we get so annoyed by the idea of work that we actually expand the time we spend on it…because we’re busy wrestling in our mind rather than focusing on the task at hand.
So stop stressing and plug some pleasure into your work - or simply take care of business, then do something fun.
Reconnect with your passion
Many of us love what we do but, as soon as it feels like “work”, we resist. When our purpose and our passion get lost in the details, we tend to get lost too.
When I’m coaching a client who is less than inspired about their job search, their marketing move or their latest project, I always bring them back to their vision. I have them talk about why they care about what they’re doing, how they imagine others will benefit from their work and what their wish is when it comes to results.
Once I’ve helped them connect with the feeling they want and the excitement they have about their big picture, the smaller details take on new meaning and their motivation returns.
And guess what? The same thing happens when they take a break, shift their energy and do anything that inspires them.
So whether you infuse your work with summertime vibes or you balance enjoyment with getting stuff done, you and your work will be much happier.
Want more tips on how to work & enjoy this summer?
My Work Smarter Not Harder Success Guide is the perfect summer companion to keep you working without "overworking" so you still have time for fun too. It's filled with 10 strategies, tips and action steps to take the stress out of your success...and even if you choose just ONE, I promise it will help.
You'll learn how to:
Focus your time and energy on what matters most in your business and career
Prioritize money so you can boost your income and protect your bottom line
Get clear and confident on your strengths, expertise and big picture vision
Manage daily operations and balance professional and personal responsibilities
Shift how you think and act so you can level UP without overworking
Grab your free copy so you can breathe again.